3 Prompts
What is something that is currently only used by an avantgarde that you could make more widely available?
What is something where you find yourself saying "I should not have to do x"?
What kind of business do we end up with if we mix Dribbble with Groupon?
2 Opportunities
People are becoming increasingly conscious just how harmful it is to be interrupted all the time. On the other hand, “programmable attention” as a useful tool is heavily underutilized. A great example is spaced repetition and journaling practices. Moreover, my product idea prompt generator (if used regularly) is also a “programmable attention” tool. What else can be accomplished in a similar way?
Out-of-the-box solutions like Medium are great to get started quickly. But once you’re a bit more successful, it makes sense to start worrying about the implications of vendor lock-in risks. Where is this currently happening? (Shopify, Substack,…) And what could you create for people who want to get out? (One possibility would be a transfer service for people who want to move from the platform to a solution they have more control over. For example, from Substack to Ghost. There is already a Substack-like theme for Ghost.)
1 Thought
“Take a human desire, preferably one that has been around for a really long time...Identify that desire and use modern technology to take out steps." - Ev Williams