Hey Jakob! I have read all of your newsletter issues so far and I regret to say that I very much disliked the new format. Reading it felt like going through a gigantic amount of "research vomit." (No Disrespect). I'm saying this because I absolutely love your newsletters and I would literally PAY to get a copy of these. I absolutely loved the format where you put all of the Product, Opportunity, Thought and Prompt of the week sections. I really hope that you bring back the old format in your upcoming issues. Thank You Jakob!

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Nice insight, I feel like online tools for any business are a great lead magnet if placed on your website. I think being able to offer these tools for free online, and then selling a backend service or upselling on more features is a great idea.

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awesome issue! I loved the format and I was like reading and felt it just stopped and wished it had more. That good !!

How did you come up with this format ? What was the thought process ?

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Thanks Yashwanth! Just read the first issue of your 10th Man Substack.

I previously included several sections that were only indirectly related to product ideas. Now it's just product ideas. That was the whole thought process!

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anyone can make simple complex but only a few can make complex simple.

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Great issue Jakob! Loved the idea of the Shopify - Amazon link! There’s a startup in my office growing rapidly that offers exactly that, although maybe like you said somewhat broadly: Channable. Maybe worth mentioning for those that are looking into building that idea!

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Channable looks slick, thanks for sharing!

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