Podcast discovery is huge. Major problems creators/curators have bumped into is focusing on to a too large horizon of themes and authors. Strong focus on a specific audience and need is for me the secret to start building successful podcast discovery resources.

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Agreed. Would be great to have highly curated recs based on different target audiences

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Totally agree that there's a huge opportunity with podcast discovery. I'm working on that problem as a subset to general content discovery, because I think the main issue ends up being content density on platforms making it harder to pull out the content you want.

My approach is a bit different. It uses your social media posts to identify what topics you are currently interested in and scans your network for podcast episodes that best match those topics. So you don't need to do the discovery, you just need to be yourself and the discovery happens automatically for you.

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If you or your audience want more info on Nourishing Traditions, I'm happy to provide. I'm a subscriber of Business Brainstorms and a worker-owner at Three Stone Hearth Kitchen in Berkeley CA, a food producer aligned with the Traditional Diets movement that coalesced around that book, which itself is based on the world travels and research into the diets of traditional and indigenous societies in the 1920s and '30s by Dr. Weston A. Price. Let me know if you want to know more...

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I wonder if the answer to podcast discovery is when Google/YouTube decide to properly enter the space. YouTube released audio-only advertising slots last year for early access clients which points to a large untapped audio only usage of the platform. I'm sure they will have their eyes on audio only podcasts and I'm even more sure their discovery network would be gamechanger for podcasts if YouTube content recommendations are anything to go by.

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Agree with the business / life coach problem. I believe the people that would make the best coaches would have a very high premium on their time, so much so that very few could afford their service. I think that the best fit would be someone recently retired who would enjoy the altruistic properties of helping someone out and/or having a unique business/life challenge that piques their interest.

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